Google has released a new product called "Google Ad Planner".
Google Ad Planner provides wealthy information about website demographics. Google gives out not only information of content network partners but also other websites who are not part of the network.
Google's move to release Google Ad Planner for advertisers was preceded by the launch of 'trends for websites' catering to consumers seeking information about a website.
This Ad Planner is a very useful tool for adwords advertisers for finding the appropriate website in the content network for advertising their products. Advertisers would be able to filter the content network sites by logging in to the Ad Planner account.
Ad Planner is still in its beta stage and invitations for opening an account would be sent based on Google's sole discretion. Do not think that Ad Planner is only helpful for Adwords advertisers, it is helpful for all those who would like to know about websites demographic statistics.
Try to get an invitation for accessing Ad Planner account by following the Ad Planner link and submitting the required information.
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A visible wrinkle denoting the JOY you are experiencing as a result a highly stabilized online business is what we do for you. Contact the Search Engine Optimization expert.
Google Launches Ad Planner

Geographic Target Tool In Google WebMaster Account

Want to target your website to your geographic audience through Google search engine? Here is a way to do that... , Use Google webmaster tools to set your geographic location.
To set a geographic target:
1)Sign into Google Webmaster Tools
2)Select your website
3)Click the Tools tab, and then click on the "Set geographic target."
4)Select 'Associate a geographic location with this site.'
5)Select the geographic information that applies to your site's target audience
6)Click Save.
Adwords Consultant Website optimization India

10 Google Local Results in

A search for local keyword in google would fetch you ten local results on the top.
Earlier these results were restricted to just three. Now the increase number of local results in Google is a real blessing for small business owners, otherwise it is hard for them to gain a place in Google SERPs.
Google could be looking to generate revenue from small business owners in the near future.
Adwords Consultant Website Optimization India

Google Displays Whois Domain Information

Google is rendering answers to whois domain information in its search engine result pages.
A query to whois would provide you the info of "when the domain was registered and its expiry date" and along with this information Google supplies a link to Domain Tools website.
Google launched a similar service in 2004 but they had to wind up their service since Network Solutions started blocking Google's request.
Adwords Consultant Website optimization India

No Need of Adwords Account to Try Website Optimizer

During the launch of "Website optimizer" adwords account was mandatory to try your hands on the tool.
Now there is no need to have an adwords account to test website optimizer. Google is becoming so generous, Isn't it? Yeah!
With this webmasters can explore the maximum benefit by using website optimizer to increase the web conversions. Multivariate testing and A/B testing can be done to enhance the website's performance. All the necessary code to do the various kinds of testing is provided by Google website optimizer.
So what are you waiting for? Step in to Google website optimizer by accessing the following link
You can also refer to the website optimizer blog rolled out by Google. This blog will contain the latest updates of website optimizer.
Google Website Optimizer supports 27 languages comprising Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (Australia, UK & U.S.), Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil & Portugal), Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, and Turkish.
Adwords Consultant Website Optimization India

Add Adsense Ads to your Website using FeedBurner

You can add Adsense ads to your website through FeedBurner.
"Monetize tab" in FeedBurner facilitates adding Adsense ads to your websites. This feature is a boon to people who doesn't have the technical knowledge to add adsense code on to their websites.
To set the Adsense code via FeedBurner follow the below steps.
1) Sign in to your FeedBurner account
2) Select the feed to include the Adsense ads.
3)Click the "Monetize tab."
4)Connect your Adsense account with FeedBurner account.
5)FeedBurner will guide you to complete the process.

Best Free Competitive Research Tools

For your convenience I have listed below some of the top competitive intelligence research tools offered for free. Every tool has its own specialities, try your hand on all the tools, I am sure it is going to be an interesting experience for you.
Alexa portrays traffic statistics for websites. The traffic details provided by Alexa cannot be completely relied upon since it collects the traffic stats from Alexa toolbar users. depicts traffic head to head traffic trends for websites. They have got a paid analytics tool.
Quantcast provides website traffic with demographic information.
Google Trends is an excellent tool to know websites statistics offered for free by the "king of search engines" called as Google. lets you know when a website was created and the appearance of it in the past.
DomainTools supplies you the valuable information of "how many times the website has changed hands." It gives SEOs rich information about "how well the site is optimized in terms of "on-page optimization."
Xinu renders general website related data like Alexa ranking and bookmarks. It supplies provides SEO data aswell.
Make Money using Google Adsense

There are so many ways to make money from the internet provided we understand the jargons of the internet. Google launched a product called 'Adsense' which facilitates publishers to make money by displaying "google adwords" advertisers ads on their website.
Adsense works on contextual advertising mode. For eg scenario:- Mr.X owns a blog and it is filled with content related to tourism in kerala. Mr. X's blog is enrolled in Adsense program and a google adwords advertiser has got an adcopy related to kerala tourism. Since google adsense works on contextual basis, the adwords advertisers ad will sit over Mr. X's blog. If the ad accrues one click from the blog, Mr. X would have earned few cents depending upon the bid of advertiser for a click.
The main weapon to gain money from adsense is to fetch more traffic to your blog. Only when visitors flow to your website you will be getting clicks on the adcopies. Content on your website is the most important factor to drive traffic.
The following link will help you to get started with Google Adense.
Adwords Consultant Website Optimization Chennai

No Rss Feeds in Google Search Results

Google drops displaying RSS feeds in its search results.
Henceforth RSS feeds have no place in google SERPs. The drawbacks of having RSS feeds in search results are listed below.
1)They may actually crowd websites html pages.
2) Chances are high for the users to miss the content available only in the html webpage.
3) Feeds increases the likelihood of users getting the duplicate results.
Feeds with multimedia content like Podcasts is an exception and will be shown in SERPs.
Adwords Consultant Website Optimization India
Robots.txt Generator in Google Webmaster Tool

Google webmaster tool provides Robots.txt generator.
Robots.txt is very useful for webmasters to prevent any webpages they wish not to be indexed in search engines.There are many tools available in the internet for creating Robots.txt, but google is the first searchengine to provide this kind of tool.
Google webmaster tools has an in-built robots.txt generator.You can find this Robots.txt generator in the tools section of google webmaster tools.
Adwords Consultant Website Optimization India
Google's Advice for Moving a Website

Do you want to move your website to a new domain. If the answer is "yes," please follow the below steps.
1)Test moving few pages of your website to your new domain.
2)301 redirect your old domain to new domain.
3)Check for the redirection of internal webpages to the new domain pages.
4)Please keep your old domain with you for atleast 3 months.
5)Add your new domain to google webmaster tools and verify your site.
6)Add a sitemap to your website.
7)Review crawler errors once your new webpages are indexed.
You will encounter the page rank being transferred to the new domain.
Adwords Consultant Website Optimization India

Goolge's Safe Website Diagnostic tool

Google has rolled out a safe browser diagnostic tool intended to help searchers.
This safe browser diagnostic tool will declare whether a website has hosted mailicious softwares or in anyway connected to malware distribution.
You can use this tool to decide on the safety before browsing the website. Just append the website url to the end of
I checked my website using the tool, find the results by accessing the following link
Adwords Consultant Website Optimization Chennai
Google Adwords Ads on Yahoo Network!

Yahoo has entered into a deal with google to show google adwords ads on in its search engine.
Google will render "AdSense for search" and "AdSense for content" advertisements to Yahoo.
Read more on this Yahoo to Show Google Adwords Ads!
Adwords Consultant Website Optimization India Manage Adwords Online Business Consultant

New Feature Added to Google Trends; "Trends for Websites"

With the launch of "google trends for websites" users can search for website trends in addition to keywords search.
You enter a website name, google trends will return you overall traffic information, geographic traffic statistics, correlated website data and keywords the searchers triggered related to the website. Google trends would display ten data points for each section.
Another boon granted to search engine marketers by google via the launch of "trends for websites" feature. SEMs can find out appropriate keywords users are searching for related to their website. SEMs willing to find link partners for their website can use the correlated websites data to their advantage. SEMs can gauge how their competitors websites are performing.
Please keep in mind that the data presented by "google trends for websites" is based on google search, opt-in anonymous google analytics data sharing opt-in consumer panel data, and other third-party market research.
Start Playing with "Google Trends for Websites"
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Website Optimization India

Good Code to Text Ratio Checker Tool

Search engine optimizers strive to reduce the code on the webpages and to increase the text on them.
SEOs succeed in their pursuit of increasing the code to text ratio by offloading javascript and calling the CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) externally. Adopting CSS is a must do activity for every search engine optimizer.
The code to text ratio for one of my website named is 32.72%
SEOChat provides an exellent tool to check Code to Text Ratio. Check this out at
Adwords Consultant Website Optimization India

Avoid Cloaking or Get Penalised

Cloaking is the practice of presenting different content to users and search engines.
For example, the users will be shown a page full of flash when the file is requested, but when the search engines request for the file; an altogether different file will be rendered. When search engines identifies this kind of cloaking the webpages will vanish from the search engines database.
Website Optimization Chennai Adwords Consultant

Searchengines Hate Doorway Pages

Doorway pages are low quality webpages created solely for the purpose of ranking for keywords.
Each poor quality page is optimized for a keyword or a keyword phrase.
The users who find this kind of webpage by querying a keyword will be redirected to some other URL. Doorway pages are really frustating from the user point of view and punishable from search engine point of view.
Do not indulge in practices to manipulate searchengines and deceive users.
Website optimization Chennai Adwords Consultant

File Extensions Ending with .o and .exe should be Avoided

I caution you to avoid using .o and .exe at the end of your URLs. Using these extensions will lead to disappearance of your urls from google search engine result pages.
Hence, please do not use the file extensions that end in .o and .exe.

SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool

SEO Book's free keyword suggestion tool is vital for keyword research.
The free keyword suggestion tool reports daily keyword search volumes from google, yahoo and MSN. SEO Book keyword research tool provide links to google trends, google price estimate tool, google suggest, google synonyms, yahoo suggest, keyword discovery search results, google blog search, and
This keyword research tool is fully powered by WordTracker.
Adwords Consultant

Google Trends New Feature "Numeric Scale and CSV Downloads"

Since the launch of "Google Trends" in 2006 it has become very famous.
Google trends reports the popularity of a search query in different countries and also the search volume bar. It is a really awesome tool for search engine marketers for gaining thorough insights for website optimization.
Recently google trends has added one more feather to its cap by announcing two new features. The features are numeric scale value for the search queries and CSV download facility.
Check this out at
Website Optimization Chennai