Google Website Optimizer - A/B Test ~ SEO Audit - Chennai SEO Consultant

Website Optimizer - A/B Test

Steps to set up A/B Test using Adwords Website Optimizer

Choose the page you would like to test
Examples of potential test pages could be your homepage or a product detail page.

Create alternate versions of your test page
Create and publish different versions of your test page at unique URLs so that Website Optimizer can randomly display different versions to your users. These URLs could be bookmarked by your users, so after your experiment finishes, you may want to keep these URLs valid.

Identify your conversion page
This is an existing page on your website which users reach after they've completed a successful conversion. For example, this might be the page displayed after a user completes a purchase, signs up for a newsletter, or fills out a contact form.

Name your tesing page and identify the pages you want to test

Name your experiment

The experiment name will help you to distinguish this experiment from others; your users won't see this name.Experiment name:

Identify the pages you want to test
Add as many variations as you like, naming them so you can easily distinguish them in your reports. At least two (including the original) are required. These URLs could be bookmarked by your users, so after your experiment finishes, you may want to keep these URLs valid. Learn more

Identify your conversion page

This is an existing page which users reach after completing a successful conversion. For example, this might be the page displayed after a user completes a purchase, signs up for a newsletter, or fills out a contact form. Learn more

A/B Experiment Set-up: Install and Validate JavaScript Tags

Now you need to add the Website Optimizer JavaScript tags to your pages' source code. Learn more

Who will install and validate the JavaScript tags?

My web team will install and validate JavaScript tags
Google will provide a link to the installation and validation instructions for you to send to your team. You'll be able to check on the status by returning to this page.

You've chosen to have someone else install the JavaScript code for this experiment.

Email the following URL to your web team so they can install and validate the JavaScript tags:

Click 'Check Status' to view the installation status. Return to this page and click 'Check Status' once your web team has installed and validated the JavaScript tags.

I will install and validate the JavaScript tags
You should be comfortable with basic HTML editing, have access to your web pages, and be able to upload the tagged pages to your server.

Once you've pasted the JavaScript tags onto each of your experiment pages and uploaded them to your webserver, click "Validate pages" at the bottom of this page so we can make sure everything is good to go.
There was a problem validating the JavaScript tags on one or more of your experiment pages. Please paste the script again and upload to your web server, or correct the URL in step 1. Learn more
Original page
Variation pages
Conversion page
Congratulations! All your pages have been validated and you are ready to continue to preview and launch your experiment.

Original page: add control and tracking scripts
Add the control script to your original pagePaste the following at the beginning of your original page's source code.

Add the tracking script to your original page

Paste the following at the end of your original page's source code.

Variation pages: add tracking script to each page

Variation 1:
Add tracking script to each pagePaste the following at the very end of all (1) of your variation pages' source code.

Conversion page: add tracking script
Conversion page:
Add the tracking script to your conversion pagePaste the following at the very end of your conversion page's source code.

Once you've pasted the JavaScript tags onto each of your experiment pages and uploaded them to your webserver, click "Validate pages" below so we can make sure everything is good to go.
Congratulations! All your pages have been validated and you are ready to continue to preview and launch your experiment.

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