The cost effectiveness of the PPC campaigns can be brought in by pursuing the following steps.
1) Create separate ad group for each product.
2) Target right keywords that have more conversion power.
We can keep the bid high for the keywords that can end up in sales. The initial bid amount can be 15 cents to 20 cents. Once we gain good quality score by increasing the CTR for keywords, improving the relevancy of the adcopies and by setting the right landing pages, the bid for the keywords will be minimal. The position of adcopies in the SERP (Search engine result pages) are calculated by the following formulae.
Max CPC * Quality Score = our position in SERPS. Here Google will take only the minimum bid required to activate the keywords and will place us in the top because of our Quality Score. This concept can bring our bid amount to less than 7 cents, but still holding a higher position.
The keywords which have lesser conversion rate can be bid for less than 5 cents initially and can bring down to less than 2 cents by improving the Quality score.
3) Create Adcopies which conveys the maximum information possible to convert the prospect in to customer.
As we have created separate ad groups for each product the Adcopies can be well targeted to include the keywords/keyword phrases in it. This will improve the CTR of keywords.
Price of the product can be mentioned in the ad copies.
Dynamic Ad copies can be created by using the following string
{keyword: keyword that is in the ad group}.
For example if we have the following keywords in the ad group viz. SSL, Free SSl, & Buy SSL and an adcopy which says,
{Keyword: SSL}
Fully functional, trusted by all
Browsers, highest security in 3 min
When a prospect queries ‘Buy SSL,’ the adcopy will reflect ‘Buy SSL’ as the title. The advantage of using this technique is that CTR will be improved and this will in turn improve the Quality scored required for minimising the bidding. The same keyword which is bid for around 40 cents would come down to 10 or 15 cents.
4) We can create many adcopies which can be a combination of text as well as image ads. The Ads can be set to ‘rotate and show.’ This will help us to eliminate the ads which are not performing well and improve the CTR.
5) By setting up the right landing page can improve our quality score.
6) We can opt either in the content network or Search network or in both. Bid amount can be separated for Content network and search network, and we can bid minimal in content network.
7) Exact match and Phrase match can give us targeted traffic. We can create separate Ad group for these keywords, the scope of improving the CTR is higher than broad matched keywords.
8) We can enable the ad scheduling to monitor at what time period the clicks are more and increase the bidding for keywords which has high conversion rate.
9) Now Google has started listing Quality score adjacent to the keyword column. This will be helpful for decide whether to delete the keywords or optimise the adcopies in the adgroup. Google lists the Quality Score as ‘Great’, ‘OK’ and ‘Poor.’
10) Constantly tracking and analysing the performance of keywords by generating reports and through google analytics, the efficiency and effectiveness of PPC campaigns can be improved.
Cost Effectiveness of PPC Campaigns

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