Would you like to check an example of a dynamic landing page?
Just mention your name in place of "yourname" in the following url http://seooptimization.in/sample-dynamic-landing-page.php?key=yourname and paste the url into the address bar of the browser.
Sit back and watch the fun.
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A visible wrinkle denoting the JOY you are experiencing as a result a highly stabilized online business is what we do for you. Contact the Search Engine Optimization expert.
Sample Dynamic Landing Page
Website Optimizer - A/B Test
Steps to set up A/B Test using Adwords Website Optimizer
Choose the page you would like to test
Examples of potential test pages could be your homepage or a product detail page.
Create alternate versions of your test page
Create and publish different versions of your test page at unique URLs so that Website Optimizer can randomly display different versions to your users. These URLs could be bookmarked by your users, so after your experiment finishes, you may want to keep these URLs valid.
Identify your conversion page
This is an existing page on your website which users reach after they've completed a successful conversion. For example, this might be the page displayed after a user completes a purchase, signs up for a newsletter, or fills out a contact form.
Name your tesing page and identify the pages you want to test
Name your experimentThe experiment name will help you to distinguish this experiment from others; your users won't see this name.Experiment name:
Identify the pages you want to test
Add as many variations as you like, naming them so you can easily distinguish them in your reports. At least two (including the original) are required. These URLs could be bookmarked by your users, so after your experiment finishes, you may want to keep these URLs valid. Learn more
Identify your conversion page
This is an existing page which users reach after completing a successful conversion. For example, this might be the page displayed after a user completes a purchase, signs up for a newsletter, or fills out a contact form. Learn more
A/B Experiment Set-up: Install and Validate JavaScript Tags
Now you need to add the Website Optimizer JavaScript tags to your pages' source code. Learn more
Who will install and validate the JavaScript tags?
My web team will install and validate JavaScript tags
Google will provide a link to the installation and validation instructions for you to send to your team. You'll be able to check on the status by returning to this page.
You've chosen to have someone else install the JavaScript code for this experiment.
Email the following URL to your web team so they can install and validate the JavaScript tags:
Click 'Check Status' to view the installation status. Return to this page and click 'Check Status' once your web team has installed and validated the JavaScript tags.
I will install and validate the JavaScript tags
You should be comfortable with basic HTML editing, have access to your web pages, and be able to upload the tagged pages to your server.
Once you've pasted the JavaScript tags onto each of your experiment pages and uploaded them to your webserver, click "Validate pages" at the bottom of this page so we can make sure everything is good to go.
There was a problem validating the JavaScript tags on one or more of your experiment pages. Please paste the script again and upload to your web server, or correct the URL in step 1. Learn more
Original page
Variation pages
Conversion page
Congratulations! All your pages have been validated and you are ready to continue to preview and launch your experiment.
Original page: add control and tracking scripts
Add the control script to your original pagePaste the following at the beginning of your original page's source code.
Add the tracking script to your original page
Paste the following at the end of your original page's source code.
Variation pages: add tracking script to each page
Variation 1:
Add tracking script to each pagePaste the following at the very end of all (1) of your variation pages' source code.
Conversion page: add tracking script
Conversion page:
Add the tracking script to your conversion pagePaste the following at the very end of your conversion page's source code.
Once you've pasted the JavaScript tags onto each of your experiment pages and uploaded them to your webserver, click "Validate pages" below so we can make sure everything is good to go.
Congratulations! All your pages have been validated and you are ready to continue to preview and launch your experiment.
Supplemental Pages and Normal Pages
Supplemental index was introduced in 2003, to differentiate it from the rest of the results. The pages which falls in to supplemental index seldom ranks, shown rarely in SERPs.
Supplemental pages made the webmasters/SEO understand that they need attention to get them out of the supplemental index and to gain a place in the index document. Google clearly labelled the supplemental pages, once necessary work is done to those pages to bring them out of the supplemental pages, google removes the label and keep them in normal results.
Google came up with a major update on July 31 2007 to remove supplemental label and to unite it with normal results. Now webmasters/SEO confront the issue of finding out which are the supplementary pages, eventhough the label has been removed the qualities and ranking nature remain the same for supplemental pages.
On Dec 18 2007 google has assured justice for supplemental results by eliminating the distinction between "supplemental pages" and "normal pages."
Find below the comments from google:
Now we're coming to the next major milestone in the elimination of the artificial difference between indices: rather than searching some part of our index in more depth for obscure queries, we're now searching the whole index for every query.
From a user perspective, this means that you'll be seeing more relevant documents and a much deeper slice of the web, especially for non-English queries. For webmasters, this means that good-quality pages that were less visible in our index are more likely to come up for queries.
what is allintitle:
Writing a query with allintitle: will fetch you the webpages containing the all of the query in the title.
Site:domain name
Site:www.domainname.com query modifier assits website owners to know "how many of their website pages have got indexed in a search engine."
For instance, [ site:www.online-businesssolutions.com] will find pages within www.online-businesssolutions.com that have got indexed in search engines.
New Google analytics tracking code | ga.js replaces urchin.js in Google Analytics
Google unleashes new Google analytics tracking code. The new tracking code is coined as ga.js andwill replace urchin.js.
What is special in the new tracking code?
The new tracking has got custom-make options and auto detection of https. The new code gets updated with the features getting released hereafter, the old urchin.js will not be receiving any updates hereafter. _trackview function takes the place of urchintracker. Trackview function can measure page views and custom links viz. flash, downloads etc. though counts those page views as extra page views.The users of the urchin.js can continue to use the code for another one full year, after that the code will not work.
How to change the tracking code?
Very easy, the unique UA number has to be replaced in the new code.
Features of new GA code that can be customised
Tracking virtual page views
Tracking downloaded files
Tracking a page in multiple accounts
Tracking subdomains
Track a visitor across domains using a link
Track a visitor across domains using a form
E-commerce transactions
Adding organic sources
Segmenting visitor types
Restrict cookie data to a subdirectory
Control data collection settings
Control session timeout
Control campaign conversion timeout
Custom campaign fields
Using the anchor with campaign data in URL
Setting keyword ignore preferences
Control the data sampling rate
Google Video Sitemaps
Submitting video sitemap to google will make your video urls gain a place in google video.
Google is Amazing: Content Analysis Page added to Webmaster tools
About Google Analytics Tracking Code
Google analytics provides a snippet javascript code to be placed in all the webpages that require tracking.
Once a request for a file is placed, google uses first party cookies to track the various traffic metrics and send those back to the google analytics server. Read more about How Google Analytics work.
How Google Analytics Works Explained
Webpage Title Tag
Webpage "Title" is one of the most crucial factors for a search engine to understand the importance of a page with respect to the search query.
Studies say the visitors make out what the page is all about only by reading the title of the pages, so title of webpages has to be constructed very carefully and no two pages in the same domains should have similar titles, unless that is unavoidable in some cases.
Webpage title is like a sales man for a particular page, carefully crafted web page titles work well in making the visitors understand about the page by just glancing at the title. Visitors do not wish to spend more time to go through the entire page to infer the writing, instead they look for the titles for speedy answers to know where they are standing now.
Search engine optimization and Social Media optimization
Search engine optimization is about creating a smooth road for the search engine spiders to travel and reach the destination. Social media optimization is about eliminating the compound walls so that the content can be freely distributed and shared by the community.
List of popular sites for Social Media Optimization:
Social media sites has provided website owners with a way to get rich traffic to their websites, than relying solely on search engines.
Search Engine Ranking Tips
Select Your Target Keywords
Create Appropriate Content
Position Your Keywords at the Right Places in the Webpage
Create a Proper Navigational Structure
Make it Easier for Search Engine Spiders to Access Your Page
Build Inbound Links
Avoid Search Engine Spamming
Create a Site Map
Bad Link Building Techniques
Link building techniques to avoid
Say no to Links Farms
Say no to FFA's (Free-For-All sites)
Say no to Irrelevant Links
Say no to Reciprocal Links (in most cases)
Say no to Links to Sites with Lower PageRank
Say no toJavaScrpit redirects
Say no to Domain Spam and Duplicate Domains
Do not Pay For Links
Google Analytics completed two Years on Nov 14
Google analytics completed its successful march for two years. Even then Google analytics is free!
Happy Birthday Google Analytics!!!!!
Google Analytics Brian Clifton says:
“If you surveyed FTSE 100 companies and asked them whether they were using analytics data to drive business decisions a lot of respondents would say ‘Eh? What’s web analytics?’, even though they had a product and were paying a lot of money for it.
“The issue of people just collecting data and not turning it into information exists within a lot of organisations. It’s not unique to any tool. The challenge for the industry is to spread knowledge and educate users about what to do with data.”
New Javascript Code In Google Analytics
Google Analytics has announced a new javascript tag with increased functionality. This new javascript code will reduce the slowness of the website, which some people has reported earlier.
Another feature is that, there will only single javascript code for tracking both secure and non secure pages.
Click-to-call Feature unavailable after Dec 3
There will be no click to call feature in adwords after december 3 20007. That means the time I am posting this information, click to call feature is no more.
Find the comments from google:
This ad format will no longer appear in Google search results. If you have active click-to-call ad campaigns, they will stop running completely after December 3, 2007. Statistics from click-to-call ads that you have already run (including clicks, impressions, and CPC) will still be included in your reports until January 9, 2008.
The click-to-call ads trial was an experiment designed to measure advertiser interest and user adoption. The experiment has ended, and well use the results to improve AdWords and build more solutions for advertisers who value phone calls.
Template centre for My Client Center
Google Adwords announced template center for MCC. From now on users of MCC can manage and create templates for their clients linked from MCC account.
Validating Adwords Display URL
Google doesn't allow adwords users to have more than one display url sharing the same top level domain for a search query in SERPs.
But of late there is a delay in validating display urls sharing the same top level domains. This could be a granted opportunity for affiliates advertising for the same organisation.
Search Engine Optimization for Blogs
Five steps to optimize your blog
Use blog keywords in the title
Always keep the title related to the topic
Don't forget to use H1 tags
Link your blog to other blogs ; and try to get links to your blog from others.
Keep the navigational structure simple and perfect, let your readers find your posts by keeping a nice label for the posts, segregrate your posts topic wise with the help of labels.
Getting Top Rank in Google
How to get top rank for your website in Google
Compile your list of keywords related to your business and check which keywords are searched on the most. The best tool for this is WordTracker, and it is worth the small fee you would have to pay to get the access for one day. There are also free tools available online those you can make use of.
Once you have run through your list of all your keywords, the obvious choice is to pick the ones with the highest amount of searches (and content relevant to your site!). The next step is to then begin the process of a link campaign, not reciprocal linking but strategic linking.
Strategic linking is when you get a link to your site without having to return the favor. What's the best way to do this? Write an article just like If you get one website to use this article, you have gained one link point to your site, I've just created another link to my site. quite easy, right?
Engaging in strategic link campaign should list your results in Google in as little as 7 days, and as far as 7 months. This is determined by where your website links are coming from, and the how much popular the site from which the link comes from is? Next, you have to gain as many links pointing to your site with your top keywords/keyword phrase in the anchor text.
Adwords Optimization Report
I've completed your optimization proposal, keeping in mind your goal of generating more traffic on the search network. I used the following strategy for your campaign:
Campaign Organization: I organized your campaign into separate ad groups, each focusing specifically on a certain sub group of your original keywords or the new keywords I added.
This structure allows your ads to be more targeted, increasing the likelihood of a prospective customer clicking through to your site. It also increases the relevance of your ad text, and in doing so will increase your Quality Score.
Paused Ad Groups: I paused your existing ad groups and moved all of the keywords into new ad groups in the campaign.
Content Targeting: I turned off the content targeting portion of this campaign because we are creating a new content campaign to mirror this campaign.
Keyword List Expansion: I expanded your keyword list with additional singular and plural variations of your keywords. These new keywords should trigger your ads more frequently and increase your advertising presence for a targeted audience.
Campaign Negative Keywords: I added campaign negative keywords to help protect your clickthrough rate (CTR) by filtering out irrelevant searches.
New Ads: I created two new text ads for every new ad group in your campaign. For each ad, I created a targeted ad title to maximize the relevance of your ad in relation to your keyword list. If you apply our changes and find that our ads aren't effective, you may simply delete them.
Daily Budget: Your daily budget remains set to $200.00. You should set this budget to the amount you are willing to spend per day on this portion of your advertising campaign after you accept this optimization.
Maximum CPCs I set the maximum CPC for each new ad group to $0.75. You can set this amount to whatever number you wish.
----------------- Altogether, I created 80 ad groups, along with 744 keyword and 240 ad text suggestions. Additionally, I suggested 65 new campaign negative keywords. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Online Business Expert
Telephone Number in Google Ads
Local PlusBox Feature in Adwords
Users who click on the plus box symbol below the top slot ads can view the geographical information, which includes maps, address, driving info etc.
Google will treat Subdomains equal to Subdirectories
Google the demi-god of Internet will reduce the weightage it has been giving to subdomains; so far. In the near future google will value subdomains in par with subdirectories, and will not treat subdomains as a different domain.
This may prove costly to the website owners who have got many subdomains!!!!!!! Another challenge for SEOs.
Goolge Hacked, Search Index Manipulated
Google hacked, search index manipulated. Never ever we would have thought such an event could occur with the Big G, but alas that has happened.
A hacker or hackers have found ways to appear high on google search index for competitive keywords in an automatic way. These hackers have struck a strategy of serving high quality content pages (copied from legitimate sites) to spiders and altogether a completely different pages for visitors. When visitors tread in to such websites malwares gets installed in to their machines thereby harming the functionality.
Today morning, I came across a website listing in google search index which contained unusual comments, I paused for a while and had a curious look at the snippet commenting " we are back" from the website owners and an alert message from google saying " this site could harm your computer." Immediately I took the snap shot for my readers and it is before you now!
The credibilty of google results can be questioned here, but the comeback of google in a speedy manner to protect the surfers, like the portrayal above, is tremendous.
Google Adwords Robots.txt
Take a look at Google adwords robots.txt below.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
User-Agent: Googlebot
Allow: /
Allow: /support/
Disallow: /*?
Google's stride to prevent queries from automated spider
Google Conversion Optimizer
A maximum cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bid for each ad group can be specified now. Conversion optimizer monitors and shows ads only when a conversion is likely to occur.
Conversion Optimizer predicts a conversion rate for your ads every time they're eligible to appear.
To enable "conversion optimizer" a campaign should have had atleast 300 conversions for a month.
List of Blog Directories for Submission
Access the following URL http://www.avangate.com/articles/blog-directories-95.htm and submit your blog to various blog directories.
Using Trademarked term as keyword and in Ad content
Google just restricts the use of trademarked term being displayed in Adtext. Google doesn't take adequate action on the trademarked term being used as the keyword.
The reason for that is "broadmatch," which makes room for the appearance of different variations of targeted keyword. One of the variation can be trademarked "keyword," so google doesn't place restrictions on targeted keyword being included as a keyword in Adwords account.
Medical Transcription Services
Increase you Max CPC and your budget
Reply for SEO chat Posting
Increase your Max CPC and your budget.
Since you know how much ever "Max CPC" you keep, google will take only one cent more than the next lowest Ad. If you increase your Max cpc google will multiply this this with your quality score to arrive at your Ad rank which inturn is used to determine your position.
Keep increasing your Max cpc till you reach first position.
Goolge says just one cent more than the next lowest ad, the calculation works like this adrank of the next lowest ad/Your Quality score + .01 cents. In this way there is every chance you would be ending up paying more for a click, unless the quality score is rich.
Google Adwords Customized Campaign Optimizer
Google Adwords analyses the campaign's keywords and budget, and proposes a customized campaign for review.
Search ads on Google Mobile Search users
Thank you for contacting Google AdWords. Please hold a moment while we route your chat to a specialist who will help you with your question: "". Mrinalini has received your message and will be right with you. Mrinalini: Hello Kamal. Thanks for contacting Google AdWords. How may I help you today? KamalChandran: Hello Mrinalini KamalChandran: I just saw in my Adwords account abt the mobile text ads Mrinalini: OK. How may I assist you with this? KamalChandran: Can u brief me what is it all about KamalChandran: Clicks on these ads will be free through November 18 Mrinalini: Sure. I can do this. Mrinalini:Do you have any specific questions regarding mobile ads? Or would you like some general information regarding them? KamalChandran: Yes, I do have Mrinalini: OK, sure. Please tell me. KamalChandran: You have specified in your help files that for traditional mobile ads it is not free! KamalChandran: what is the distinction between traditional mobile ads and the currents ads you are allowing for free KamalChandran: https://adwords.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=72226&topic=12397 KamalChandran: comments from you "If you want your ad to point to a mobile version of your landing page, we suggest you link a mobile ad to a mobile web page. Please note that you will be charged when you create and run a traditional mobile text ad." Mrinalini: OK. Would you mind holding as I find clarification regarding this? KamalChandran: take ur time Mrinalini: Thanks for holding, Kamal. I am checking with the appropriate team for more clarification on this. Mrinalini: I apologize for the delay! KamalChandran: will wait! Mrinalini: Thanks for holding, Kamal. I apologize for any confusion regarding this. However, the offer that you see are for text ads that are eligible to appear on Google Mobile Search pages. Mrinalini: Mobile ads will be charged as usual. KamalChandran: fine, so if my website URL is not WAP enabled, will it be shown KamalChandran: Let me also know about this "business page" Mrinalini: Let me see if I can find you some information regarding how you may make your ads eligible to appear on these pages. Mrinalini: Also, can you please clarify which business page you are referring to? KamalChandran: You have mentioned in your statement "AdWords Business Pages for mobile ads" KamalChandran: pls calrify KamalChandran: clarify Mrinalini: Sure, you can find more information regarding this at the link below: Mrinalini: AdWords Business Pages for mobile ads. KamalChandran: fine KamalChandran: Hello Mrinalini: Yes, Kamal. I am trying to find information regarding how you may make your ads eligible to appear on mobile search pages. Mrinalini: I sincerely apologize for the delay in my response to you. Mrinalini: However, I appreciate your patience! Mrinalini: This may take a few minutes more. Mrinalini: Are you able to hold? KamalChandran: If I do not have a wap enabled site can I specify the URL created by "AdWords Business Pages for mobile ads" Mrinalini: Or, would you prefer that I followup in an email to you? KamalChandran: By creating a free business page for mobile ads willI be eligible for participation KamalChandran: will wait! Mrinalini: Not exactly. This offer is specifically for text ads that are eligible to show on these sites. We have our own way of adapting your landing page to appear to these users. I am trying to find clarification regarding ths. Mrinalini: *this. KamalChandran: Mrinalini, if I specify my landing page url with the free page created, will it work for me KamalChandran: Hope u have understood my question? Mrinalini: Yes, I understand your question. Can you please clarify for me what you view after you click the ' View the performance data for these ads' link in the alert in your account? Mrinalini: I am referring to the alert that you see on your Campaign Summary page. KamalChandran: no data KamalChandran: does this mean that I am not eligible Mrinalini: Not necessarily. Kamal, I find that I'd have to consult someone from the appropriate team to clarify this further for you. I will get back to you via email as soon as I hear from them. KamalChandran: yes KamalChandran: Will wait for you email, don't leave this question unanswered Mrinalini: OK. I will get back to you shortly at that email ID with more clarification on how you may participate in this. KamalChandran: In the past it has happened once; Mrinalini: Sure, thanks for your patience and understanding in this. KamalChandran: fine, thanks much |
How Actual CPC is Calculated?
I have tried to give you a picture of how your Actual CPC is calculated. I always thought that the actual cpc is calculated in this manner.
Have furnished the sample figures below:
Londener (Max bid) = 0.75
First Lowest Ad (Max bid)= 0.70
Second Lowest Ad (Max bid)= 0.49
The scenario while all the three Ads are displayed;
How actual CPC will be calculated;
Max bid = 0.75 multiplied by your quality score will be the Ad rank. The ad postion will be carved out of this Ad rank, whomever has got a high Ad rank they will be winning the highest position.
Once Google has decided upon the position then the actual cpc will be calculated. The actual cpc will be the Ad Rank of first lowest ad divided by your quality score and also .01 cent addition to that amount.
This is how the actual cpc is calculated.
I have assumed 1.8 as the quality score for all the three ads.
(A) Londener (Max bid) = 0.75 Quality score = 1.8 Ad rank= 1.35 Actual cost= Ad rank b/Quality score A + .01 = .71
(B) First Lowest Ad (Max bid)= 0.70 Quality score = 1.8 Ad rank= 1.26 Actual cost=Ad rank c/Quality score B + .01 = .49
(C) Second Lowest Ad (Max bid)= 0.49 Quality score = 1.8 Ad rank= 0.88 Actual cost= As there are no competitors below this Ad, the min bid alloted for the keyword will be charged.
The scenario when only two Ads are displayed;
Londener (Max bid) = 0.75
Second Lowest Ad (Max bid)= 0.49
A) Londener (Max bid) = 0.75 Quality score = 1.8 Ad rank= 1.35 Actual cost= Ad rank b/Quality score A + .01 = .49
(B) Second Lowest Ad (Max bid)= 0.49 Quality score = 1.8 Ad rank= 0.88 Actual cost= As there are no competitors below him, the min bid alloted for the keyword will be charged.
Unless we know the Quality score of other advertisers, we cannot determine the actual cpc.
Adwords pricing system and Quality Score
Thank you for contacting Google AdWords. Please hold a moment while we route your chat to a specialist who will help you with your question: "". Neily has received your message and will be right with you. kamalchandran: Hello Neily Neily: Hello Kamalchandran. Thanks for contacting Google AdWords. How may I help you today? kamalchandran: Can u clarify my doubts, it is regarding the new formulae for calculation the ad position Neily: Sure! Neily: Tell me what exactly is your confusion. kamalchandran: I read in official adwords blog that the current formulae for calculating the ad position for ads occupying the top slots above google orgainc results kamalchandran: is Max cpc multiplied by quality score kamalchandran: Are u able to follow my question Neily Neily: Yes, I am Kamalchandran. kamalchandran: gr8 Neily: And yes, this is correct. Neily: So, this is how it is... Neily: With this new formula, instead of considering your actual CPC, we'll now consider your maximum CPC bid, which you control. kamalchandran: so earlier u were having two types of calculation for Ad placement kamalchandran: for top slots above SERPS= actual cosy multiplied by Quality score kamalchandran: for other positions= Max cpc multiplied by qulaity score kamalchandran: Is this right? Neily: So, Kamalchandran, I can see that you have many questions on account of this. Please allow me to finish my explanation. After this, if you have any further questions, we'll take them all one-by-one. Does that sound good to you? kamalchandran: perfect! go ahead pls Read this interesting chat script with Adwords Specialist about Quality Score and Actual CPC |
Role of Latent Semantic Indexing(LSI) in SEO
Optimizing a webpage in accord to Latent Semantic Indexing can do wonders for your keyword rankings in search engine result pages. This is a technology adopted by google to judge and rank a particular page.
LSI allows a search engine to determine what the page is all about by giving less consideration to specically matching search query.
LSI is an important step in document indexing process. In addition to recording which keywords the document contains, it examines the documents collections it has to see which are the other documents which has closely related words. This way using LSI google is able to differentiate the which documents have semantically closer words and which documents doesn't have.
The concept of LSI simply takes away the importance of pages which only matches the search query and doesn't contain semantically closer keywords in it.
The mightiness of LSI to make out the relation between words within content and between pages has changed the way search engines determined positioning of websites in SERPS.
Online Business Experts
Keyword Density in SEO
Many SEO professionals have a contrasting opinion about Keyword density and its effectiveness in SEO.
Keyword density is an important aspect of On-page optimization.
Search engine optimiser
What is Google Adwords
Google Adwords is a Pay Per Click program. Advertisers strive to make use of the Adwords effectively inorder to accomplish their conversions.
Search engine optimiser
Launch of Online-Business Solutions
Leena, the most admired dashing queen of the online-business world, today announced the launch of OnlineBusiness portal which has the potential to provide accurate solutions for making online business a complete success. The queen unfolded the long awaited solutions for the modern business.
For additional information on Online business Portal - visit http://www.online-businesssolutions.com
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Proactive detention of Deceptive Clicks by Google
Google adopts two proactive measures to detect and remove invalid clicks from an advertisers account.The invalid clicks are detected by Proactive filters and Offline analysis. Proactive Filters determines the whether the clicks are fraudulent, by considering the second click of a double click as deceptive.This method keeps the clicks from being billed or showing up in advertisers' metrics. Offline analysis is done by Google's click quality team after the clicks has been recorded.These clicks will appear on advertisers statements as click quality adjustments, but will not be billed on them.
SEO Optimization
Search engine optimiser
Selecting Keywords for Adwords Account
CPC for Site-targeting Campaign
Google is trying to explore the likes and dislikes of the advertisers by announcing beta test of CPC for Site-targeting.
Initially Google came up with content network by making way for billions of people to make money through Adsense. But the very big questions in front of advertisers was _*"which are the sites in which my Ads are appearing"_. Eventhough Google was reluctant to reveal the information, to pacify the advertisers 'Smart Pricing' was introduced, wherein the clicks from pages which are less likely to get converted in to sales is charged less.
To provide a solution to the above _*question_ Google introduced Site-targeted option by letting the advertisers 'know' and 'choose' the sites to run their Ads. Here the Ads were charged per thousand impressions and not on CPC.
Now they have come up with beta test of CPC in Site-targeted campaigns.
In my opinion CPC in Site-targeted campaigns is just an extension of content network option in keyword-targeting campaign. The only difference between the two options are, advertisers can select the sites of their choice in Site-targeted campaign, in contrast to Keyword-targeted campaign. Advertisers whose conversions are clicks and Pageviews could opt for this feature and they may benefit out of it. The advertisers requiring leads and sales as their bottomline, will not be profiting through this feature as the conversion rate in content network is always less. This is because people create a site just to make money and enroll themselves in Adsense program, these sites play a major role in Content network.
Test CPC Site Targeting
Site targeting is a feature that allows advertisers to choose individual sites in the content network where they want their ads to appear. Currently, advertisers using site targeting place bids on a cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) basis. In March, we plan to begin testing a new site targeting feature to increase the flexibility and control advertisers have with site-targeted campaigns: cost-per-click (CPC) bidding.CPC bidding has often been requested by advertisers who would like to utilize site targeting, but are not comfortable bidding on a CPM basis. Here are two examples of how CPC bidding can enhance your site targeting experience:
Increased flexibility. Select the content network sites you want your ads to appear on and choose the bidding option that fits your needs. If clicks are your goal, try CPC bidding so you pay only when you get the result you want.
Team Management for All
टीम मैनेजमेंट
Assigning the daily task list to the team members through a “Daily deliverables spreadsheet”.
Closely working the team leader and the team members.
Monitoring the potential of the team members
Keeping a clean record of the strength and weakness of the team members
Working closely with each team member and help them to overcome the weakness.
Getting the tasks done from the team members by studying who can do better and how.
The improving the team as whole can fetch favourable results for the progress of the company
Google Advertising Professional
Calulate Ad Postion
Max CPC * Quality Score = our position in SERPS. Here Google will take only the minimum bid required to activate the keywords and will place us in the top because of our Quality Score. This concept can bring our bid amount to less than 7 cents, but still holding a higher position.
Cost Effectiveness of PPC Campaigns
The cost effectiveness of the PPC campaigns can be brought in by pursuing the following steps.
1) Create separate ad group for each product.
2) Target right keywords that have more conversion power.
We can keep the bid high for the keywords that can end up in sales. The initial bid amount can be 15 cents to 20 cents. Once we gain good quality score by increasing the CTR for keywords, improving the relevancy of the adcopies and by setting the right landing pages, the bid for the keywords will be minimal. The position of adcopies in the SERP (Search engine result pages) are calculated by the following formulae.
Max CPC * Quality Score = our position in SERPS. Here Google will take only the minimum bid required to activate the keywords and will place us in the top because of our Quality Score. This concept can bring our bid amount to less than 7 cents, but still holding a higher position.
The keywords which have lesser conversion rate can be bid for less than 5 cents initially and can bring down to less than 2 cents by improving the Quality score.
3) Create Adcopies which conveys the maximum information possible to convert the prospect in to customer.
As we have created separate ad groups for each product the Adcopies can be well targeted to include the keywords/keyword phrases in it. This will improve the CTR of keywords.
Price of the product can be mentioned in the ad copies.
Dynamic Ad copies can be created by using the following string
{keyword: keyword that is in the ad group}.
For example if we have the following keywords in the ad group viz. SSL, Free SSl, & Buy SSL and an adcopy which says,
{Keyword: SSL}
Fully functional, trusted by all
Browsers, highest security in 3 min
When a prospect queries ‘Buy SSL,’ the adcopy will reflect ‘Buy SSL’ as the title. The advantage of using this technique is that CTR will be improved and this will in turn improve the Quality scored required for minimising the bidding. The same keyword which is bid for around 40 cents would come down to 10 or 15 cents.
4) We can create many adcopies which can be a combination of text as well as image ads. The Ads can be set to ‘rotate and show.’ This will help us to eliminate the ads which are not performing well and improve the CTR.
5) By setting up the right landing page can improve our quality score.
6) We can opt either in the content network or Search network or in both. Bid amount can be separated for Content network and search network, and we can bid minimal in content network.
7) Exact match and Phrase match can give us targeted traffic. We can create separate Ad group for these keywords, the scope of improving the CTR is higher than broad matched keywords.
8) We can enable the ad scheduling to monitor at what time period the clicks are more and increase the bidding for keywords which has high conversion rate.
9) Now Google has started listing Quality score adjacent to the keyword column. This will be helpful for decide whether to delete the keywords or optimise the adcopies in the adgroup. Google lists the Quality Score as ‘Great’, ‘OK’ and ‘Poor.’
10) Constantly tracking and analysing the performance of keywords by generating reports and through google analytics, the efficiency and effectiveness of PPC campaigns can be improved.
Yahoo Optimization for Websites
Looks Like it`s Back to the Drawing Board for Yahoo 360
Search Engines and Algorithms: Optimizing for Yahoo! Search and AltaVista
An Insider`s Secret To Seriously High Rankings With Yahoo
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Will Your Google SEO Help You With Yahoo?
Submitting Your Site to the Yahoo! Directory
Optimizing for Yahoo: The Next Big Thing
Yahoo!'s New Search Engine
search engine optimiser
MSN Optimization for Websites
Using Freshness to Optimize for MSN
MSN: Still Too Much Junk in the Trunk
Search Engines and Algorithms: Optimizing for MSN’s RankNet Technology
MSN Search Engine Beta Optimization Techniques
Will Your Google Optimization Help with MSN?
Comparing MSN And Yahoo! Optimization
Getting High Rankings in MSN Search
Google Optimization for Websites
Is Google Getting Too Personal?
Wikipedia Conquering Google First, World Next?
Number 1 in Google
Google Defuses Link Bombs
Using the Google SOAP Search API
Google Sitemaps Review
Duplicate Content Penalties: Problems with Google’s Filter
The Google Freshness Factor
Hiding Your Sensitive Data From Google and the World
Google Says
SEO Optimization
Google Dance
Google sends out robots (spiders) to crawl the web and archive every website it finds in a month. These archived websites will be presented in the next update of the Google index (database). The update process is initiated every 30 days or so, although on some occasions there have been more than 30 days between updates.
Now if you've been a keen Google fan you'll know that they have 3 main www servers online, which are as follows:
www.google.com - The main address, the true homepage of google.
www2.google.com - Thought to be a test server.www3.google.com - Thought to be a test server.
Whilst nobody outside of "Google" truly seems to know the purpose of the www2 & www3 servers, many people have come to the assumption that they are test servers. During the update, which takes several days, the 3 Google servers display different results. Whilst the results vary from server to server, they are said to be "dancing", hence the name "Google Dance".
The www2 & www3 servers are the ones most closely observed during the dance, however I have recently found the addresses to all 10 of the Google Datacenters!! I believe that watching this will provide for a slight enhancement in the detection of the "Google Dance".. My tool is the only tool (that I know of) to provide the 10 datacenters option.
Measure Keyword Density
The keyword density tool is useful for helping webmasters and SEOs achieve their optimum keyword density for a set of key terms.
Keyword density is important because search engines use this information to categorize a site's theme, and to determine which terms the site is relevant to. The perfect keyword density will help achieve higher search engine positions. Keyword density needs to be balanced correctly (too low and you will not get the optimum benefit, too high and your page might get flagged for “keyword spamming”).
This tool will analyze your chosen URL and return a table of keyword density values for one-, two-, or three-word key terms. In an attempt to mimic the function of search engine spiders, it will filter out common stop words (since these will probably be ignored by search engines). It will avoid filtering out stop words in the middle of a term, however (for example: “designing with CSS” would go through, even though “with” is a stop word).
Meta-Tags Generator
The Advanced Meta-Tags Generator helps you to add Meta-Tags to your site.
Meta Tags make your website more visible, many search engines read them in your site. Follow the below given link to generate the Meta-Tag code for your site.
Adwords Consultant Website Optimization India
Adsense Calculator
The AdSense Calculator helps Google AdSense affiliates understand what affects their earnings by letting them experiment with values. It also allows Google AdSense users to take their current statistics and calculate how much they can expect to earn daily, monthly and yearly.
Site owners who are considering implementing AdSense on their site(s) can also use this tool to estimate what results they are likely to see. Daily page impressions indicate how many times ads are shown per page. You can use your average, anticipated, or current daily page impressions for this Click Through Rate (CTR)This figure represents how many visitors actually click your advertisements.
You can find this easily on your Google AdSense stats page labeled "CTR." The average rate is estimated to be about 1.5%. Cost Per Click (CPC)Your CPC is the average of how much you get paid for someone clicking one of your advertisements. To find your average CPC take you’re the amount of money you have earned from AdSense (daily, monthly, or all time) and divide it by your total clicks (daily, monthly, or all time).
Adwords Consultant Website Optimization India
Quality Score updates are live
Last week, google released the Quality Score column .
I suggest you to enable the Quality Score column to quickly view the quality of the keywords in each of your ad groups so that you can make improvements. For example, if you notice that the minimum bid increases for a number of your keywords, you may want to consider optimizing your ad group to make it more relevant or deleting the keywords that have high minimum bids.
Adwords Consultant Website optimization India
Article on Social Media Optimization
Social Media Optimisation will boost trafiic to the websites and increase the backlinks count.
Higly effective tools in SMO is broadcasting your audio and video through Podcasts and Vlogs respectively.
Why Social Media Optimization?
Social media – online sites like blogs and discussion boards where consumers create and share information and opinions directly with each other -- are beginning to affect brands.
Examples like the Kryptonite lock crisis and Intuit’s continued success have convinced marketers to incorporate social media into their plans. In many companies, marketers must convince their senior management executives who don’t understand the influence the social aspects of the Web experience is exerting on their brands.
Here’s the elevator pitch to give to a busy executive: The influence traditional media and marketing have over consumer perception is waning as people use the plethora of digital technologies to circumvent traditional sources to obtain information and entertainment from each other. But these social media outlets are more than another channel through which to deliver messages to the marketplace. Companies like GM, Microsoft, Intuit and New Line Cinema are successfully using social marketing strategies to understand and engage their audiences more deeply – with demonstrable business results.
Here are the data, examples, and details to support the pitch.
Communication Builds Web Audiences
It is axiomatic that marketers must place their messages where consumers spend time. Online advertising’s growth has outstripped other media as marketers have followed consumers’ migration to the Web for shopping, news and entertainment.
While information and commerce are part of the Web experience, communication (in the form of email) was the “killer app” that made the Web a “must-have” and continues to be a mainstay of the online experience. Communication activities split the lion’s share of consumers’ online time with content, and far outstrip commerce and search according to the Online Publisher’s Association Internet Activity Index.
Advertisers have begun to experiment with inserting ads into blogs, podcasts or RSS feeds and even conducting viral marketing campaigns. While there will be a place for these strategies, these approaches use social media as a one-way channel. To gain the full benefit of the Web‘s true nature as a social medium, companies must learn to participate with their audience in a deep, continuous dialogue.
Advertisers have begun to experiment with inserting ads into blogs, podcasts or RSS feeds and even conducting viral marketing campaigns. While there will be a place for these strategies, these approaches use social media as a one-way channel. To gain the full benefit of the Web‘s true nature as a social medium, companies must learn to participate with their audience in a deep, continuous dialogue.
The Social Web’s New Communications Forms Draw More Users
As consumer’s experience and comfort with the technology has increased, online users have expanded their social activities to tap into or contribute to consumer-created content like product reviews.
The Pew Internet and American Life Project reports that 44% of American Internet users post on blogs, discussion boards or engage in other social media outlets2. A quick search on Amazon for the “DaVinci Code” found over 3,000 customer reviews ranked by helpfulness as rated by the site’s users. Retailers including Circuit City and media companies like CNET also host reviews on their sites as an added value to their visitors.
The State of the Blogosphere
In its April 2006 “State of the Blogosphere”, leading blog search engine, Technorati reported:
• 19.4 million active blogs (defined as having a new post 3 months after creation)
• 3.9 million blogs are updated at least weekly
• 1.2 million new posts per day
• 70,000 new blogs are created each day.
• The universe of blogs is 60 times larger than it was just 3 years ago.
• It is doubling in size every 6 months
While blogs get most of the credit for the rise in social media, customer opinion sites, usenet groups and discussion forums receive over twice as many posts a day as blogs (about 4-6 million).3 Discussion boards’ popularity persists because enthusiasts find a community that shares their passion: PriusChat.com visitors share ideas, information, and experiences with the hybrid gas-electric automobile.
The dramatic growth of social media sites show that while the form may change, participatory content is a powerful draw: comScore reports that MySpace grew 318% and broke into the top ten Web sites (measured by unique visitors) in 2005. Wikipedia grew 275% to surpass popular sites like ESPN.com and in May 2006 ranked just behind The Weather Channel. YouTube, which wasn’t even around a year ago, now attracts 12.6 million users.
A Technology Banquet Feeds Individual Creativity
Increasingly, Internet users go beyond simply reading content or buying merchandise and convert their Web experience into self-expressive event: they create their own content, spend more time with content created by other people, and remix bits of what they find in both traditional media and from other individuals.
The technology rush of the past 10 years – from the Internet, to digital photography, to blogs, to digital editing software – unshackled people’s creative urge, taught them how to distribute their creations, and brought them feedback from peers that further fed the urge.
· Amazon.com pioneered user reviews. Consumers embraced the idea of sharing their opinions of a book, and not solely relying on professional reviewers’ opinions to decide whether to pick up the latest bestseller.
· Digital photography’s boom introduced people to sharing their creations, first via email then via first-generation photo-sharing sites like Ofoto. As a result, photo-sharing became the fourth most popular Web activity according to Forrester.
· Blogs made it simple for an average Web user to post his or her opinions to the world: armed with a browser, basic typing skills, and a few straightforward Web commands, anyone can publish their thoughts, rants, or daily journal in a few minutes a day. Specialized blog search engines like Technorati made sure the world could find these creations.
· Digital camcorders and audio/video editing programs like Apple’s iMovie became affordable and user-friendly versions for home users. People were no longer limited to text or still photos, and consumer-created video site YouTube quickly bloomed to six million users watching 40 million videos per month.
· Perhaps the Apple iPod ad created in 2004 by schoolteacher George Masters was the watershed moment when people began to realize they could create their own content. Marketers including Converse, Chevrolet, and MasterCard picked up on this and launched initiatives to harness this creative power for their brands.
Social Media Host Market Conversations
Technology developments such as blogs, RSS and content tagging enabled Web users to interact with Web sites and communicate with each other in new ways. Commonly referred to as Web 2.0, these technologies represent a second generation of services available online that let people collaborate and share information easily without requiring any special Web programming skills.
Wikipedia describes Web 2.0 as a shift from Web sites created as isolated information silos to “market conversations” where Web content is developed by Web users with open communications, decentralized authority, with the complete freedom to share and re-use the information. These “market conversations” take place via Websites and they contain individuals’ candid, unfiltered and un-moderated thoughts, opinions and preferences, frequently about a company, brand or product.5
Consumers Trust Each Other
Advertising clutter and hyperbole have undercut the persuasive power of ads while lapses in journalistic ethics have cast doubt on even the most prestigious news sources. As the influence wielded by both traditional journalism and advertising declines, consumers’ reliance on their peers increases.
The Yankelovich Marketing Receptivity study found that 54% of respondents said they try to avoid exposure to ads, 56% report they don’t buy product specifically because a company overwhelms them with ads and marketing, and 69% are interested in products and services that help them avoid ads.6 The perception is getting worse, Insight Express reports that consumer trust in advertising has plunged 41% in the last 3 years.7
Scandals like the 2003 Jayson Blair plagiarism incident at the New York Times and Dan Rather’s erroneous reporting of President Bush’s military record have undermined journalism’s credibility. Only 54% of respondents to a survey by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press said they believe most of what they read in the newspapers, a 9-point decline since 2002; network news shows a similar decline of 8 points to 64%.
So where do consumers turn? To each other! Word of mouth has always been the most powerful form of marketing and the Internet had freed consumers from the limitations of seeking advice from a small circle of friends, relatives and work colleagues.
eMarketer reports that two-thirds of all economic activity in the US is influenced by shared opinions about a product, brand or service.9
GfK NOP reports that 92% of consumers today cite word of mouth as one of the best sources for ideas about new products, up from 67% a generation ago.10
Forrester Research’s 2004 study showed that over 60% of consumers trust product recommendations found in online sources like discussion boards while ads in the most trusted medium, newspapers, earned the trust of just over 50% of respondents.
But the influence of social media, especially blogs, isn’t limited to those who go out of their way to find them. Content from these sources regularly finds its way into other media and information activities.
A recent Columbia University study found that 51% of journalists use blogs and social media regularly with 28% relying on them for day-to-day reporting. What journalists find on these blogs can bring mainstream attention to an issue faster and expose it to a much wider group of people, further increasing the impact of the blogger’s postings.12
One recent Jupiter Research study indicates that 26% of the top search engine results for large brands are from user-generated content. Social media has become such an integral part of the Web experience; consumers often don’t even know they are reading it.
Social Media Users are an Attractive Audience
A common perception is that only youth read blogs or go to social networking sites. The teen audience has especially embraced social media. The Kaiser Family Foundation reports that teens spend an hour and twenty-two minutes a day social networking online. That explains why the social networking site Myspace.com has become one of the top 10 most visited sites on the Web with total page-views second only to Yahoo.14
But usage of social media isn’t limited to just teens and the broader audience is attractive to a wide range of marketers. As measured in a 2005 comScore report, social media users are more likely to live in wealthier households, be younger, shop online and connect to the Internet with high-speed connections.
Blog User Profile
Source: comScore
Compared to the average Internet user, blog users are:
• 30% more likely to live where the household head is 18 - 34 yrs old
• 11% more likely to have incomes of $75,000
• 30% more likely to buy products or services online.
• View 77% more Web pages
“…positive word of mouth creates a durable advantage for Intuit that translates into sustained revenue and profit growth.”
–Intuit 2005 Annual Report
Dealing With the Other Side of Influence
Sometimes the discussions can be positive about your products and the experiences consumers have had with you, but often they can be very negative. On the one hand, this increases the number of potential critics and they don’t need to have impressive qualifications or credentials to be influential. On the other hand, all of these negative opinions are public and searchable, allowing companies to prepare a response before a story gets wide coverage. Bloggers at top companies agree that learning about and dealing with negative stories as they emerge is smarter than waiting until they hit the newspapers or evening news shows. Charlene Li, principal analyst at Forrester Research notes, “Negative comments do exist. Companies are better off knowing about them.”
The Kryptonite lock incident has become a cautionary tale for businesses who may believe they can afford to ignore blogs. This case demonstrates the dynamic between bloggers and traditional media journalists that significantly amplified the impact of the story.
A video demonstrating how to pick these expensive bike locks with an ordinary Bic pen appeared on a blog and quickly reached hundreds of thousands of blog readers a day. When the company issued a statement downplaying the issue saying the locks “continue to present an effective deterrent to theft” the NY Times and the AP picked up the story, exposing the problem in newspapers all across the country. With the increase in awareness, conversations in the blog world reached millions of people.
By the time the company announced the product exchange plan almost a week later, the “make-good” received very little coverage. Even today the story lives on: lock buyers today will find today turns up 8 negative stories about this incident in the top 10 results of a Google search for “kryptonite lock”– but no mention of the problem being corrected and affected locks having been replaced.
Blogging guru and former Microsoft technology evangelist, Robert Scoble, told Communications World he stays on top of consumer discussions so he can immediately respond to incorrect information. “Somebody can post something totally false about you. But you can come to that story right away and answer it and kill a rumor before it turns into a New York Times article. Once it is printed in the Times, people think it must be true.”
Chevrolet ran a unique user-generated marketing promotion with “The Apprentice” TV show where it enabled people to visit the Chevy site to create an ad for the new Tahoe SUV; users could select from a library of images and music then write their own text to create a 30-second TV commercial. Anti-SUV activists created ads depicting the Tahoe as a gas-guzzling, global-warming-gas-belching, earth-destroying behemoth. These negative clips became so popular across the Web and on viral video sites like YouTube.com that Nightline ran a story about them.
Chevy didn’t censor or remove any of the negative ads. Chevrolet GM Ed Peper also responded on the GM FastLane blog acknowledging these concerns and reaching out to continue the conversation. He presented Chevy’s rebuttal that the new Tahoe gets 22 MPG, it can run on ethanol which reduces pollution and dependency on foreign oil and it has earned the highest safety ratings for any vehicle in its category making it an excellent choice for large families. Pepper referred to this as one of their most creative and successful promotions and he finished his post saying, “Anyway, it sure got people talking about the Tahoe, which was the whole idea, after all.”
Driving Business Results with Social Media
A senior executive’s next set of questions will be about the strategic approach companies should take in light of the rise of social media.
There are four primary ways companies can use social media to drive business results:
• By Monitoring social media, companies can track how their messages are being interpreted in the marketplace to understand how the company is perceived and to learn how any responses or message changes should be approached. This will also provide valuable insight into potential threats from competitors, changing industry trends, and customer preferences. Monitoring also enables companies to track the evolution of known trends in order to quantify the ones gaining the most attention and acceptance within their target audience.
• Measurement provides the quantitative reporting data on the specific issues and buzz driving media coverage making it easy to demonstrate the impact of PR and marketing efforts.
• But social media also calls for a Discovery approach, in which companies learn what influences are driving the internet discussions in the marketplace. From this, companies can measure the growth of many emerging trends and identify ideas for new products and opportunities to improve their current ones.
• With this knowledge, and the data points to support the decisions, companies can improve their levels of Engagement with customers by employing new marketing tactics to participate effectively in the conversations that are occurring around them. Working with customers to build and expand the brand together, companies can harness the new influence that is driving the way purchase decisions are being made today.